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Gameplay Programmer at Bisonic

Job details

We are looking for a talented Gameplay Programmer to help design and implement character movement features, interaction with the environment, game rules, progression and reward systems, etc., of our games.


■ Design, implement, and deliver technical gameplay features and systems

■ Solve technical challenges and maintain game features and systems.

■ Work closely with game designers to ensure features are balanced and fit well into the game.

■ Optimize game performance, fixing bugs and setting up tests to ensure the best game quality.

■ Create and deploy robust, maintainable, and bug-free code.



■ Experience in Game Development (+ 3 years).

■ Strong C++ skills, software design, programming and debugging.

■ Have a strong grasp of 3D math for games.

■ Have strong knowledge of gameplay code, systems and mechanics

■ Español - Avanzado

■ English B2 - Upper Intermediate


We offer

■ Competitive salary

■ Contract for an indefinite period

■ Benefits above the law

■ Remote work.

Apply now