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How to Become a Citizen in Argentina

Argentina, known for its rich culture, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cities, is an attractive destination for many seeking new opportunities and a better quality of life. Whether you are drawn to the bustling streets of Buenos Aires, the scenic beauty of Patagonia, or the thriving wine regions of Mendoza, Argentina offers a unique blend of European charm and Latin American warmth. Gaining Argentine citizenship can open doors to numerous benefits, including visa-free travel to many countries, access to social services, and the right to live and work in Argentina indefinitely. This guide will explore the various pathways to obtaining Argentine citizenship, providing detailed information on each route to help you understand and navigate the process. We will also cover considerations and challenges that you may encounter along the way.

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Citizenship by Birth

Citizenship by Birth in Argentina

Argentina follows the principle of jus soli, or "right of the soil," meaning that any person born on Argentine soil automatically acquires Argentine citizenship, regardless of the nationality of their parents. This is a straightforward path to citizenship and applies to almost all individuals born in the country.

Citizenship by Birth Abroad to Argentine Parents

Children born abroad to Argentine parents can also claim Argentine citizenship by descent (jus sanguinis). To do this, the parents must register the child's birth at the nearest Argentine consulate. This ensures that the child's Argentine citizenship is recognized and recorded officially.

Citizenship by Naturalization

Foreign nationals can apply for Argentine citizenship through naturalization after meeting specific residency requirements. The key requirements include:

  • Legal Residence: The applicant must have legally resided in Argentina for at least two continuous years. Temporary stays or stays under certain visas, like tourist visas, do not count towards this period.

  • Age: The applicant must be at least 18 years old.

  • Good Conduct: The applicant must have a clean criminal record both in Argentina and their home country.

  • Economic Means: The applicant should demonstrate the ability to support themselves financially.

The Naturalization Process

The naturalization process involves several steps:

  • Application Submission: Applicants must submit a formal application to the Federal Court of Argentina. This includes various documents such as proof of legal residence, a birth certificate, a clean criminal record, and proof of income or financial stability.

  • Interview: Applicants are typically required to attend an interview where they may be asked about their knowledge of Argentine culture, history, and the Spanish language.

  • Decision: If the court approves the application, the applicant will take an oath of loyalty to Argentina and receive their citizenship certificate.

Considerations and Challenges

  • Language Barrier: Proficiency in Spanish is often required, and the interview may be conducted in Spanish. This can be a challenge for non-Spanish speakers.

  • Bureaucratic Delays: The process can be lengthy due to bureaucratic inefficiencies, so patience is essential.

  • Financial Documentation: Proving financial stability may require comprehensive documentation, which can be burdensome for some applicants.

Benefits and Responsibilities

As an Argentine citizen by naturalization, you gain the same rights as those born in Argentina, including the right to vote and access to social services. However, naturalized citizens are also expected to abide by the country's laws and contribute to its society.

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Citizenship by Marriage

Foreign nationals married to Argentine citizens can apply for citizenship through marriage. The requirements include:

  • Duration of Marriage: The couple must be legally married and have lived together for at least two years.

  • Legal Residence: The foreign spouse must have legal residency in Argentina during this period.

  • Proof of Genuine Relationship: The marriage must be genuine and not solely for the purpose of gaining citizenship. This is typically demonstrated through interviews and the provision of evidence such as joint bank accounts, shared property, and testimonies from acquaintances.

Application Process

The application process involves:

  • Document Submission: Similar to the naturalization process, applicants need to submit documents proving their marriage, legal residence, and the authenticity of their relationship.

  • Interview: Both spouses may be required to attend an interview to discuss their relationship and life in Argentina.

  • Approval and Oath: Upon approval, the foreign spouse will take an oath of allegiance and receive Argentine citizenship.

Considerations and Challenges

  • Proof of Genuine Relationship: Providing adequate proof of a genuine relationship can be complex and intrusive.

  • Potential Scrutiny: Couples may face intense scrutiny to ensure the marriage is not fraudulent.

  • Residency Requirement: Maintaining continuous legal residency can be challenging if the couple has commitments outside Argentina.

Rights and Responsibilities

Citizenship by marriage grants the same rights and responsibilities as other forms of Argentine citizenship, including the right to vote and access to social benefits.

Citizenship by Descent (Jus Sanguinis)

Argentina allows individuals with Argentine ancestry to claim citizenship by descent. This pathway is open to those who can prove they have Argentine parents or grandparents.

Application Requirements

The application process involves:

  • Proof of Ancestry: Applicants must provide documents proving their Argentine ancestry, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and other official records.

  • Registration: Applicants must register their claim to citizenship at the nearest Argentine consulate or in Argentina.

Process and Timeline

The process can vary depending on the complexity of gathering the necessary documents and the workload of the consulate or relevant Argentine authority. It generally involves submitting the required documents, verification, and receiving the citizenship certificate.

Considerations and Challenges

  • Document Collection: Gathering the necessary documentation from Argentina or other countries can be time-consuming and difficult.

  • Verification Process: Verifying documents can take a long time, especially if there are discrepancies or missing information.

  • Legal Assistance: It might be necessary to seek legal assistance to navigate the bureaucratic process efficiently.


Obtaining citizenship by descent provides the same rights as any other form of Argentine citizenship, making it a valuable option for those with Argentine heritage.

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Citizenship by Investment

While Argentina does not have a formal citizenship-by-investment program like some other countries, it offers residency programs that can lead to citizenship. These programs are designed to attract foreign investment and talent to the country.

Investment Options

Foreign nationals can obtain legal residency through various investment options, including:

  • Real Estate: Investing in Argentine real estate can qualify for residency.

  • Business: Starting or investing in a local business can also provide a pathway to residency.

  • Government Bonds: Investing in government bonds may be another option for obtaining residency.

Residency to Citizenship

After obtaining legal residency through investment, the individual must reside in Argentina for a minimum period (typically two years) before applying for citizenship through naturalization.

Considerations and Challenges

  • Economic Risks: Investing in real estate or business in a foreign country carries economic risks and uncertainties.

  • Legal Complexities: Navigating the legal requirements for investment and residency can be complex and may require professional assistance.

  • Residency Requirements: Investors must meet the residency requirements, which may involve significant time spent in Argentina.

Benefits and Considerations

Investing in Argentina can be a lucrative opportunity due to the country's diverse economy and abundant natural resources. However, potential investors should carefully consider the legal and economic environment before making significant investments.


Obtaining Argentine citizenship can be a fulfilling journey, offering numerous benefits and opportunities. Whether through birth, naturalization, marriage, descent, or investment, each pathway has specific requirements and procedures that must be followed meticulously. Navigating the complex process of gaining citizenship can be challenging, but with the right guidance and support, it can lead to a rewarding outcome.

Navigating the pathways to Argentine citizenship can be complex and time-consuming. Citizen Remote offers expert assistance to help you understand the requirements, gather necessary documents, and guide you through each step of the process. Visit Citizen Remote today to learn how we can make your journey to Argentine citizenship smoother and more efficient. Our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a seamless and successful application process.



Tim Marting is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Citizen Remote a site for remote workers and digital nomads. Although from the US, Tim currently lives in Spain, and has been a world citizen for the last 5 years, living in 3 different countries. He had other long-term stops in Australia, Italy, Indonesia, Thailand and the UK. His life goal is “to enable border-less travel and border-less relations for the rest of this beautiful world.