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Carrer Via de ses Costes, Mercadal

  • 1 bedroom1 bedroom
  • 250m2250m2
  • 0 bathroom0 bathroom
  • 4 people4 people


¡Bienvenido a nuestra espaciosa habitación privada, disponible para alquiler diario!

- Desde Enero, hasta Mayo: 30€/noche para 1 persona y 40€/noche para 2 personas.
- Desde Junio, hasta Agosto: Debido a la alta demanda, 35€/noche para 1 persona y 45€/noche para 2 personas.
- Desde Septiembre, hasta Diciembre: 30€/noche para 1 persona y 40€/noche para 2 personas.

¡Habitación luminosa y ventilada! Tiene dos ventanas, llave propia y baño privado (al costado de la habitación). Está totalmente equipada: cama Queen-size, televisión, ventilador, armario empotrado, escritorio, tocador y mesitas de noche. Libre acceso a la cocina, sala de estar y comedor. No cuenta con aire acondicionado. Sin embargo, el piso se mantiene igualmente fresco, gracias a los cuatro ventanales situados a lo largo y a lo ancho del salón. No cuenta con parking privado. Sin embargo, cerca al piso encontrará zonas de estacionamiento libre de pago.

¡Céntrico y de fácil acceso! Ubicado en la primera entrada de Es Mercadal (viniendo de Mahón), cerca a la rotonda de la apisonadora amarilla. Podrá ir caminando a todos estos sitios: la parada de autobús, la lavandería, tiendas de ropa y de comida, bares y restaurantes, parques, librerías, recinto ferial, biblioteca, centro de salud, pistas de tennis y de pádel, gimnasio, piscina municipal, etc.

¡Un pueblo pequeño y encantador! Situado en el centro de la isla, un punto estratégico para poder llegar con más facilidad a cualquier lugar. Conocido por aguardar la colina más alta de Menorca, ¿le suena Monte Toro? Consulte con los propietarios acerca de lugares que le gustaría visitar durante su estancia. ¡Recuerde que el 20 y el 21 de Julio son las fiestas patronales de Es Mercadal ("Sant Martí")! ¿A qué espera para hospedarse con nosotros para esas fechas? Si va en busca de aventura, en Menorca podrá realizar varias actividades como: parapente, montar a caballo, trekking, buceo, snorkel, paddle surf, motos de agua, kayak, windsurf, etc.

El transporte público en Menorca puede ser un problema, debido a que el servicio es reducido. Pregunte a los propietarios acerca de los horarios de autobús, ellos le indicarán cómo y dónde encontrarlos. Recuerde que en Menorca no existe UBER o algún servicio de transporte similar. Puede optar por tomar taxi, pero le saldrá mucho más caro que alquilar un vehículo... Si se decide por alquilar, no dude en comunicárselo a los propietarios ya que también ofrecen un servicio de alquiler de coches y scooters 125cc. La entrega del vehículo en el aeropuerto es totalmente gratis. ¡Pida su presupuesto!

¡Los propietarios harán la colada por usted! El servicio gratuito de lavandería se ofrece solamente una vez por semana a los huéspedes cuya estadía es de 7 noches o más. Si su estadía es de menos de 7 noches, no podrá optar por el servicio gratuito de lavandería. El servicio extra de lavandería es de: 5€/colada. La colada siempre se realiza en horario nocturno. No se aceptan prendas de tejido delicado. Los propietarios no se hacen responsables de ningún daño causado a este tipo de prendas. Se le devolverá la ropa en cuanto esté seca. No se realiza servicio de planchado. El servicio extra de secado es de: 7€/secado.

El pago de la fianza y de la reserva se debe realizar el mismo día de su llegada. Se acepta efectivo o bizum. Si prefiere realizar una transferencia bancaria, está debe realizarse al menos 3 días antes de su llegada. El pago por el servicio extra de lavandería y/o de secado se descontará de la fianza.

El monto total de la fianza es de: 50€. Si los propietarios determinan que todo se ha devuelto en perfectas condiciones, se le devolverá el monto que le corresponda de su fianza el día que haga el check-out. En caso contrario, el huésped no recibirá la fianza y deberá hacerse responsable de corregir cualquier tipo de daño que haya causado a la propiedad o a los bienes de los propietarios.

Se realiza a cualquier hora de la mañana, máximo hasta las 2PM. Si por cualquier motivo no puede realizar el check-in antes de la hora indicada, comuníqueselo a los propietarios antes de su llegada. Ellos son flexibles, pero tiene que avisar con tiempo de antelación.
1. Primero, debe identificarse mostrando a los propietarios su pasaporte, NIE o DNI español.
2. Segundo, debe realizar los pagos correspondientes, indicados en la sección anterior 'PAGO'.
3. Tercero, se le hará la entrega de las llaves de la habitación y de la puerta principal.

Se realiza a cualquier hora de la mañana, máximo hasta las 12PM.
1. Primero, debe devolver las llaves de la habitación y de la puerta principal.
2. Segundo, los propietarios procederán a realizar un chequeo de la habitación.
3. Tercero, si los propietarios determinan que todo está correcto se le devolverá el monto que le corresponda de su fianza.

1. Queda estrictamente prohibido traer a terceras personas a la propiedad.
2. Queda estrictamente prohibido fumar o consumir drogas dentro de la propiedad.
3. Queda estrictamente prohibido utilizar las áreas comunes a partir de las 9:30PM.
4. Queda estrictamente prohibido acceder a las demás habitaciones u áreas de la casa que no sean: la COCINA, la SALA DE ESTAR y el COMEDOR .
5. Debe mantener las áreas comunes limpias: lavar, secar y devolver a su sitio todo lo que utilice.
6. Después de ducharse, debe secar el suelo del baño (se le facilitará lo necesario para hacerlo).
7. A partir de las 12AM no podrá hacer ruido bajo ninguna circunstancia.
8. Aunque pueda entrar y salir del piso a la hora que desee, por la noche y de madrugada debe hacer el menor ruido posible por respeto al descanso de los propietarios y de los vecinos.
9. Debe respetar la integridad y privacidad de los propietarios.
10. Debe hacer un uso adecuado de los utensilios de cocina, de la vajilla y de todos los muebles y objetos que contenga la propiedad.


"Sabemos lo difícil que es conseguir hoy en día una habitación en Menorca. ¡Mucha gente quiere venir a conocer este paraíso! Hospedarse en nuestra habitación privada contribuirá a que esta experiencia sea totalmente memorable. Queremos que se sienta como en casa. Nos encargaremos de que tenga una cálida bienvenida y que durante toda su estadía se sienta totalmente cómodo. Se encontrará con un espacio que además de asequible, es acogedor, espacioso y limpio. Nosotros somos una pareja trabajadora, que lleva una vida tranquila. Nos encanta conocer a nuestros huéspedes y que se sientan en confianza. Respetamos en todo momento su tiempo y privacidad. Esperamos estar al nivel de sus expectativas y que se lleve el mejor recuerdo de Menorca."

Si cree que esta habitación es perfecta para usted, ¡no dude en reservar ahora! ¡Los propietarios lo están esperando!



Welcome to our spacious private room, available for daily rental!

From January to May: €30/night for 1 person and €40/night for 2 people.
From June to August: Due to high demand, €35/night for 1 person and €45/night for 2 people.
From September to December: €30/night for 1 person and €40/night for 2 people.

Bright and airy room! It has two windows, its own key, and a private bathroom (next to the room). It is fully equipped: Queen-size bed, television, fan, built-in wardrobe, desk, vanity, and bedside tables. Free access to the kitchen, living room, and dining area. It does not have air conditioning. However, the apartment remains equally cool, thanks to the four windows located throughout the living room. There is no private parking. However, you will find free parking areas near the apartment.

Central and easily accessible! Located at the first entrance of Es Mercadal (coming from Mahón), near the roundabout of the yellow steamroller. You can walk to all these places: the bus stop, laundry, clothing and grocery stores, bars and restaurants, parks, bookstores, fairgrounds, library, health center, tennis and paddle courts, gym, municipal pool, etc.

A small and charming village! Located in the center of the island, a strategic point to reach any place more easily. Known for hosting Menorca's highest hill, does Monte Toro sound familiar? Consult with the owners about places you would like to visit during your stay. Remember that July 20th and 21st are the patron saint festivities of Es Mercadal ("Sant Martí")! What are you waiting for to stay with us for those dates? If you are looking for adventure, in Menorca you can do various activities such as paragliding, horseback riding, trekking, diving, snorkeling, paddle surfing, jet skiing, kayaking, windsurfing, etc.

Public transportation in Menorca can be a problem due to limited service. Ask the owners about bus schedules; they will indicate how and where to find them. Remember that there is no UBER or similar transportation service in Menorca. You can choose to take a taxi, but it will be much more expensive than renting a vehicle... If you decide to rent, do not hesitate to inform the owners as they also offer a car and 125cc scooter rental service. Vehicle delivery at the airport is completely free. Request a quote!

The owners will do the laundry for you! Free laundry service is only offered once a week to guests staying 7 nights or more. If your stay is less than 7 nights, you cannot opt for the free laundry service. The extra laundry service costs: €5/load. Laundry is always done at night. Delicate fabric items are not accepted. The owners are not responsible for any damage caused to these types of garments. Your clothes will be returned to you as soon as they are dry. Ironing service is not provided. The extra drying service costs: €7/drying.

The deposit and reservation payment must be made on the same day as your arrival. Cash or Bizum is accepted. If you prefer to make a bank transfer, it must be done at least 3 days before your arrival. Payment for the extra laundry and/or drying service will be deducted from the deposit.

The total amount of the deposit is: €50. If the owners determine that everything has been returned in perfect condition, the corresponding amount of your deposit will be refunded on the day of check-out. Otherwise, the guest will not receive the deposit and will be responsible for correcting any damage caused to the property or the owners' belongings.

Check-in is at any time in the morning, but no later than 2 PM. If for any reason you cannot check-in before the indicated time, please inform the owners before your arrival. They are flexible, but you must notify them in advance.
1. First, you must identify yourself by showing the owners your passport, NIE, or Spanish ID.
2. Second, you must make the corresponding payments, as indicated in the previous section 'PAYMENT'.
3. Third, you will be given the keys to the room and the main door.

Check-out is at any time in the morning, but no later than 12 PM.
1. First, you must return the keys to the room and the main door.
2. Second, the owners will proceed to check the room.
3. Third, if the owners determine that everything is correct, the corresponding amount of your deposit will be refunded.

1. It is strictly forbidden to bring third parties to the property.
2. Smoking or consuming drugs inside the property is strictly prohibited.
3. Using common areas is strictly prohibited after 9:30 PM.
4. Accessing other rooms or areas of the house other than the KITCHEN, LIVING ROOM, and DINING ROOM is strictly prohibited.
5. You must keep common areas clean: wash, dry, and return everything you use to its place.
6. After showering, you must dry the bathroom floor (you will be provided with what is necessary to do so).
7. From 12 AM onwards, no noise is allowed under any circumstances.
8. Although you can enter and leave the apartment at any time, at night and in the early morning, you must make as little noise as possible out of respect for the owners' and neighbors' rest.
9. You must respect the integrity and privacy of the owners.
10. You must make appropriate use of kitchen utensils, dishes, and all the furniture and objects contained in the property.

"We know how difficult it is to find a room in Menorca nowadays. Many people want to come and visit this paradise! Staying in our private room will contribute to making this experience completely memorable. We want you to feel at home. We will ensure you have a warm welcome and that you feel completely comfortable throughout your stay. You will find a space that is not only affordable but also cozy, spacious, and clean. We are a hardworking couple leading a quiet life. We love meeting our guests and making them feel comfortable. We respect your time and privacy at all times. We hope to meet your expectations and that you will have the best memories of Menorca."

If you think this room is perfect for you, do not hesitate to book now! The owners are waiting for you!


  • DeskDesk
  • Dish washerDish washer
  • DryerDryer
  • TelevisionTelevision
  • Washing MachineWashing Machine


  • Pets not allowedPets not allowed
  • Smoking not allowedSmoking not allowed
  • Events not allowedEvents not allowed
  • Not suitable for families with childrenNot suitable for families with children
  • Children not allowedChildren not allowed
  • Infants not allowedInfants not allowed

Cancellation Policy

Backup accommodation

Frequently asked questions for this offer

What happens after I make a reservation?

Once you send a reservation request, the landlord is notified that you are interested in their offer. From that moment, they have 24 hours to approve or reject your reservation.
Landlords are mainly interested in the profile of their tenant. Do not forget to fill in all necessary information, add your profile picture, or even make a short video about yourself. Doing that will make you more attractive for the owner and your reservation will more likely get approved.

What is the standard furnishing of flats?

All the apartments on offer on HousingAnywhere must meet certain standards. We require fully furnished and equipped ones, dishes, cutlery and internet connection included.

What is a medium-term rent?

The duration of a medium-term rent is usually 1 to 12 months. Most of the landlords offer long-term rents or rents for just a few days, therefore getting a medium-term rent without HousingAnywhere is not that easy.

Can I go through the contract before I make a reservation of the housing?

You can take a look at the contract in advance and online with every offer. After you sign it, you will find it in the application My Housing.
While arranging a contract on HousingAnywhere, you do not have to worry that it could be disadvantageous for you. Our contracts are made so that we avoid all problems! All of them are the same, used by all the landlords on HousingAnywhere.

Can I see my chosen accommodation in person before I sign the lease agreement?

Your time is precious. That's why we've added a virtual tour option to our platform so you can see some of the rentals listed on HousingAnywhere from the comfort of your own home.
If a virtual tour isn't available for the accommodation you've chosen, you can contact the landlord and ask them if they're willing to give you a personal tour of the rental unit.
If you move in and find that the rented accommodation doesn't match the information on HousingAnywhere at the time the reservation request was sent to the landlord, you can withdraw from the lease agreement under certain circumstances explained in this article in our help center.
Also, under our "secure move-in" policy, we'll assist you with moving to an alternative accommodation if you report within a certain period of time that the rental unit doesn't match the ad and the landlord doesn't fix the problem immediately. You can read the details in our help center.

How can I pay?

On HousingAnywhere, you have a variety of payment methods to choose from. You can use your card, payment gateway or bank transfer. Just pick the one which suits you the most.

How can I cancel my reservation?

How you can cancel a reservation varies depending on what stage the reservation is in.
Is your reservation request still waiting for landlord approval? Then you can simply cancel it directly from your My Housing web app!
However, suppose the owner has already approved your reservation request, and you are no longer interested in it. In that case, you can still cancel the reservation before you sign the lease agreement. Just consider that you should do this only in essential cases. Because when the landlord accepts your reservation, their property is stopped being advertised, and they can lose the chance to rent their property to someone else.
Do you have an approved reservation and also a valid agreement? In order to cancel your reservation, contact HousingAnywhere customer support well in advance of your contract beginning (the specific time and amount of refund depends on the type of cancelation policy).