Taunusstraße, Frankfurt am Main
1 bedroom
0 bathroom
4 people
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Please note that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore it is not possible to change contact data or do viewings prior to booking. If you want to reserve this place, send me a booking request or a message!
Mitten im Bahnhofs-/Bankenviertel, super zentral ca. 5 Fußminuten vom Hauptbahnhof entfernt, ist hier im 3. OG (Aufzug vorhanden) eine Wohnung mit insgesamt 6 Zimmern schick und modern eingerichtet.
Ideal auch für Interessenten, die projektbezogen in der Stadt arbeiten, aber auch für Studenten + Praktikanten, die zentral wohnen wollen, eine gute Wahl.
In the middle of the station district, super central about 5 minutes by foot from the main station. On the 3rd floor (elevator available) there is this modern shared flat with a total of 6 fully furnished rooms.
It is also a good choice for those who want to work in the city, but also for students + interns who want to live centrally.
Jedes der Zimmer ist komlett möbliert und verfügt über ein Bett inkl. Bettzeug und Bettwäsche, Kleiderschrank, Schreibtisch mit Stuhl, eigener WLAN Router und Fernseher.
Die Zimmer alle geräumig und sowohl zur Einzelnutzung wie auch zur Belegung für bis zu 2 Personen buchbar. Die gesamte Etage ist komplett saniert und top modern eingerichtet.
Zur gemeinsamen Nutzung für alle Bewohner stehen die neue Einbauküche und 2 Duschbäder zur Verfügung.
Die Küche ist komplett möbliert und ausgestattet mit Elektrogeräten, einer Spülmaschine, sowie der Grundausstattung an Geschirr und Kochutensilien.
Die Gemeinschaftsbereiche der Wohnung werden wöchentlich professionell gereinigt.
Each room is equipped with a bed, wardrobe, desk with chair, own WIFI router and TV.
For common use for all residents is the kitchen with appliances, big fridge, and dishes and cooking utensils.
The flatmates also share the use of 2 bathrooms with shower cabin and toilet.
The common areas get cleaned weekly.
Zwischen dem Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof und der Taunusanlage befindet sich diese Wohngemeinschaft in der Taunusstraße. Die umliegenden Banken und Unternehmen sind fußläufig erreichbar und auch Geschäfte des täglichen Bedarfs befinden sich in der Nähe.
Auch der Main und die Innenstadt sind nur wenige Gehminuten entfernt.
Parallel verläuft die populäre Kaiserstraße mit etlichen Restaurants, Bars, Spezialitätenshops, Bäckereien und Drogerien.
Die Anbindung an zahlreiche öffentliche Verkehrsmittel ist durch die direkte Nähe zum Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof ausgezeichnet.
Das Bahnhofsviertel zählt mittlerweile zu den Szenevierteln Frankfurts. Dies liegt zum einem an dem Multi-Kulti Flair, aber auch an dem traditionellen Rotlichtviertel, welches sich inmitten des Viertels befindet. Aufgrund der vielfältigen Freizeitangebote des Viertels ist im Bahnhofsviertel immer was los.
This shared flat is located between Frankfurt main station and the Taunusanlage in Taunusstraße. The surrounding banks and companies are within walking distance and shops for daily needs are also nearby.
The Main and the city centre are also only a few minutes walk away.
The popular Kaiserstraße runs parallel to this street with a number of restaurants, bars, specialty shops, bakeries and drugstores.
The connection to numerous public transport systems is excellent due to the direct proximity to Frankfurt's main railway station.
Frankfurt Bahnhofsviertel is now one of the trendiest areas of Frankfurt. This is due on the one hand to the multi-cultural flair, but also to the traditional red light district, which is located in the middle of the quarter. Due to the varied leisure activities of the quarter, there is always something going on in the Bahnhofsviertel.
Unser Angebot an WG-Zimmern/Apartments in Frankfurt ist groß, sowohl im Bahnhofsviertel wie auch in anderen beliebten Stadtteilen.
Die all inkl. monatlichen Mieten variieren je nach Lage, Zimmergröße, Einzel-/oder Doppelbettgröße, Mietdauer und Zeitraum, insofern lohnt es sich immer mit uns Kontakt aufzunehmen und die aktuellen Angebote abzufragen.
Einheitlich in allen Objekten ist auch eine einmalige Verwaltungsgebühr von € 250, - (gültig für max. 6 Monate).
Der erste Monat der Buchung wird zusätzlich mit 25% der monatlichen Miete berechnet.
Mietdauer ab 3 Monaten möglich.
Our offer of shared rooms/apartments in Frankfurt is great, both close to Frankfurt central station as well as in other popular districts. The all inclusive monthly rent differs depending on location, room size, booking period and period, so it is always worthwhile to contact us and to check the current offers.
Uniform in all objects is also a one-time administration fee of € 250 ,- (valid for max. 6 months).
The first month of the booking is charged on top at 25% of the monthly rent.
Rental period from 3 months possible. Prices on request.
Hinweis: Alle Angaben, auch Flächenangaben, stammen von Dritten (Eigentümer, Verwalter, Mieter) für die wir weder Gewähr noch Haftung übernehmen können, Irrtum und Zwischenvergabe bleiben vorbehalten.
Dish washer
Washing Machine
Pets not allowed
Smoking not allowed
Events not allowed
Not suitable for families with children
Children not allowed
Infants not allowed
Cancellation Policy
You can cancel the reservation for free within 30 days before moving.
Frequently asked questions for this offer
What happens after I make a reservation?
Once you send a reservation request, the landlord is notified that you are interested in their offer. From that moment, they have 24 hours to approve or reject your reservation.
Landlords are mainly interested in the profile of their tenant. Do not forget to fill in all necessary information, add your profile picture, or even make a short video about yourself. Doing that will make you more attractive for the owner and your reservation will more likely get approved.
What is the standard furnishing of flats?
All the apartments on offer on HousingAnywhere must meet certain standards. We require fully furnished and equipped ones, dishes, cutlery and internet connection included.
What is a medium-term rent?
The duration of a medium-term rent is usually 1 to 12 months. Most of the landlords offer long-term rents or rents for just a few days, therefore getting a medium-term rent without HousingAnywhere is not that easy.
Can I go through the contract before I make a reservation of the housing?
You can take a look at the contract in advance and online with every offer. After you sign it, you will find it in the application My Housing.
While arranging a contract on HousingAnywhere, you do not have to worry that it could be disadvantageous for you. Our contracts are made so that we avoid all problems! All of them are the same, used by all the landlords on HousingAnywhere.
Can I see my chosen accommodation in person before I sign the lease agreement?
Your time is precious. That's why we've added a virtual tour option to our platform so you can see some of the rentals listed on HousingAnywhere from the comfort of your own home.
If a virtual tour isn't available for the accommodation you've chosen, you can contact the landlord and ask them if they're willing to give you a personal tour of the rental unit.
If you move in and find that the rented accommodation doesn't match the information on HousingAnywhere at the time the reservation request was sent to the landlord, you can withdraw from the lease agreement under certain circumstances explained in this article in our help center.
Also, under our "secure move-in" policy, we'll assist you with moving to an alternative accommodation if you report within a certain period of time that the rental unit doesn't match the ad and the landlord doesn't fix the problem immediately. You can read the details in our help center.
How can I pay?
On HousingAnywhere, you have a variety of payment methods to choose from. You can use your card, payment gateway or bank transfer. Just pick the one which suits you the most.
How can I cancel my reservation?
How you can cancel a reservation varies depending on what stage the reservation is in.
Is your reservation request still waiting for landlord approval? Then you can simply cancel it directly from your My Housing web app!
However, suppose the owner has already approved your reservation request, and you are no longer interested in it. In that case, you can still cancel the reservation before you sign the lease agreement. Just consider that you should do this only in essential cases. Because when the landlord accepts your reservation, their property is stopped being advertised, and they can lose the chance to rent their property to someone else.
Do you have an approved reservation and also a valid agreement? In order to cancel your reservation, contact HousingAnywhere customer support well in advance of your contract beginning (the specific time and amount of refund depends on the type of cancelation policy).