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Piazza del Mercato Centrale, Florence

  • 1 bedroom1 bedroom
  • 45m245m2
  • 0 bathroom0 bathroom
  • 4 people4 people

The apartment is in a historic building in the heart of Florence, right on Piazza del Mercato Centrale. This privileged location offers you the convenience of living in the city's bustling centre, surrounded by shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions.
Once you enter the apartment, you will find a spacious double bed with cotton sheets. The bathroom has a shower, sanitary fixtures, and a large mirror. Plush towels and bathroom accessories are provided to ensure maximum comfort.
The kitchen is separate yet open and offers everything you need to prepare meals.
The living room is where you can relax, furnished with a comfortable sofa that can be turned into a sofa bed. In the hallway, you can find a washing machine for your laundry. The apartment is equipped with Wi-Fi.
Note: To reach the apartment, you must climb two flights of steep stairs, as the building has no elevator. Inside the apartment, there are a few steps present.


i. CHECK-IN E CHECK-OUT: Il check-in è tra le 16 e le 20. Qualora precedentemente concordato con la Società, il check-in potrà essere effettuato prima delle 16, per quanto la Società non si consideri responsabile per ogni disservizio legato all’anticipo del check-in. IN OGNI CASO, l’orario di check-in deve essere concordato con la Società in anticipo e la Società può addebitare costi aggiuntivi in caso il Cliente arrivi all’appartamento con oltre trenta minuti di ritardo senza avvisare preventivamente. Se l’ospite intende effettuare il check-in dopo le ore 20, ciò deve essere comunicato al momento della prenotazione. Per check-in effettuati dopo le ore 20, si prevede una late check-in fee di 50 euro, da pagarsi all’arrivo in contanti. SOLO ED ESCLUSIVAMENTE nelle unità che hanno un sistema di self check-in, il check-in è permesso dopo le ore 20 senza costi aggiuntivi: va comunque chiesta conferma della presenza e del funzionamento del sistema al momento della prenotazione. La Società non assicura al contempo di poter intervenire in caso di problematiche o criticità insorte nel corso di check-in effettuati dopo le 20. Il check-out deve essere effettuato entro le ore 11. In caso di ritardi di oltre trenta minuti sull’orario di check-out, la Società potrà addebitare una notte aggiuntiva al cliente.
NOTA: Per soggiorni superiori a 30 giorni, il giorno del check-in vi verrà chiesto di compilare e firmare un contratto, necessario per la vostra permanenza in struttura.
Check-in and Check-out. Check-in is between 4.00 PM and 8.00 PM. If previously agreed with WR, check-ins will be allowed before 4.00 PM, although WR is not responsible for any problem related to early check-ins. ALL CHECK-IN TIMES must be agreed with the host in advance and WR may charge additional costs if the Customer arrives at the apartment more than thirty minutes late without giving prior notice. Scheduled or potential late check-ins (after 8.00 pm) MUST BE COMMUNICATED TO THE HOST BEFORE BOOKING AND A 50 EURO LATE CHECK-IN FEE WILL APPLY. ONLY in units that have a self check-in system, check-in is allowed after 8 pm at no additional cost: confirmation of the presence and operation of the system must be requested at the time of booking. At the same time, the Company does not guarantee that it will be able to come to the apartment in the event of problems or criticalities arising during check-in after 8 pm. Check-out must is within 11 am. In the event of delays of more than thirty minutes on the check-out time, the Company may charge the customer an additional night.
NOTE: For stays longer than 30 days, on the day of the check-in, you will be asked to fill in and sign a contract necessary for your stay at the property

ii. OSPITI: Tutti gli ospiti sono tenuti a comunicare i dati delle persone che soggiorneranno nell’unità prenotata al momento della prenotazione, in ottemperanza alla legislazione italiana in materia. Tali dati verranno trattati e conservati nel rispetto della normativa sulla privacy. Non è consentito l'ingresso a persone diverse da quelle comunicate né organizzare feste. In caso di violazioni, potrà essere negato l’accesso alla proprietà, senza che l’ospite abbia diritto ad alcun rimborso.
Personal information. As per Italian Law, Italian Police requires us to report the identity of our guests. We understand that the sharing of personal info is a very sensitive matter and thus we will process these data in full compliance with Italian and EU regulations on personal data use and will NOT store or share it with any other party. No additional guests will allowed due to the conformance. If you are found to have persons staying at the property who are not named on your Reservation Confirmation, you are in breach of contract and may be denied access to the property. No refunds will be issued if you are refused accommodations due breach of contract.

iii. PAGAMENTI E CANCELLAZIONE: Tutti i pagamenti devono essere saldati entro il giorno del check-in, senza alcuna eccezione, ivi compresa la city tax. La Società è autorizzata a prelevare dalla carta fornita a garanzia, in misura di quanto previsto dalla policy di cancellazione. La policy di cancellazione nelle prenotazioni tramite OTA è ben specificata prima della prenotazione e risulta chiaramente sia nel recap della prenotazione, sia nei dettagli online della stessa. Nelle prenotazioni dirette è presente nel recap della prenotazione. Solo ed esclusivamente qualora, nelle prenotazioni dirette, per qualsiasi motivo la policy di cancellazione non sia presente, in caso di cancellazione la Società applicherà la seguente policy: rimborso del 90% dell’ammontare totale per cancellazione sino a 30 giorni prima della data di locazione; rimborso del 75% dell’ammontare totale per cancellazioni sino a 21 giorni prima della data di locazione; rimborso del 50% dell’ammontare totale per cancellazioni sino a 11 giorni prima della data di locazione; rimborso del 25% dell’ammontare totale per cancellazioni sino a 3 giorni prima della data di locazione; nessun rimborso per no-show o cancellazioni tra 2 giorni e la data di check-in.
Payments and cancellation policy. All payments, including city tax, must be paid by the day of check-in, without exception. The Company is authorized to withdraw from the card provided as a guarantee, in accordance with the cancellation policy. The cancellation policy in OTA bookings is well underlined before booking and is clearly shown both in the recap of the booking and in the online details of the same. In direct bookings it is present in the booking recap. Exclusively in direct bookings, if for any reason the cancellation policy is not present, in case of cancellation the Company will apply the following policy: refund of 90% of the total amount for cancellation up to 30 days before the check-in date; refund of 75% of the total amount for cancellations up to 21 days before the check-in date; 50% refund of the total amount for cancellations up to 11 days before the rental date; refund of 25% of the total amount for cancellations up to 3 days before the check-in date; no refunds for no-shows or cancellations between 2 days and the check-in date.

iv. CARATTERISTICHE DELLA STRUTTURA: La nostra struttura non ha una reception disponibile h24; la Società non offre servizi di pulizia durante il soggiorno (se non diversamente concordato) e non fornisce colazione o alcun servizio di ristorazione. La Società chiede al Cliente di mantenere tutte le comunicazioni via email o tramite l’Agenzia Online, per prevenire qualsiasi incomprensione e a maggior tutela e chiarezza del Cliente.
Services. We do not have a reception available 24 hours a day; we do not provide cleaning services during the stay (unless previously agreed) and we do not provide breakfast or any restaurant service. We ask you to keep in touch with us via email or via OTA, in order to avoid any misunderstanding and to guarantee transparency and security in the communications.

v. RESPONSABILITA' PER DANNI: Saranno addebitate al Cliente, al termine del soggiorno, tutte le spese conseguenti ai danni causati all'unità immobiliare o ai mobili ed accessori ivi presenti, all'interno ed al suo esterno, provocati da sua colpa nell’uso o nella custodia dell’immobile, relativamente agli impianti igienico-sanitari, nonché all'utilizzo della cucina e/o allo smarrimento di utensili, pentole e arredi, oltre al maggior danno subito qualora tali danni non dovessero esser comunicati dal Cliente al momento del rilascio. Allo stesso modo, in caso di smarrimento delle sole chiavi di accesso alla camera sarà addebitato l'importo di € 250,00.
Damage. At the end of the stay, the Customer will be charged for all costs resulting from damage caused to the real estate unit or to the furniture and accessories therein, inside and outside, caused by his fault in the use or custody of the property , in relation to the sanitation systems, as well as the use of the kitchen and / or the loss of utensils, pots and furnishings, in addition to the greater damage suffered if such damage were not communicated by the Customer at the time of release. In case of loss of the room access keys only, the amount of € 250.00 will be charged.

vi. ESONERO DI RESPONSABILITA': La Società, ai sensi delle attuali prescrizioni legislative in materia, non è tenuta a fornire e non fornisce alcuna copertura assicurativa per furti di oggetti personali o per eventuali danni causati da terzi all'interno della struttura e delle unità abitative. Il Cliente esonera espressamente la struttura ed il Titolare da ogni responsabilità per i danni diretti od indiretti che possano derivargli da fatto colposo o doloso proprio, di altri ospiti o di terzi, per i danni a cose o a persone e per l'eventuale interruzione dei servizi. E' altresì esclusa ogni responsabilità della struttura per smarrimento di oggetti personali all'interno della struttura stessa. Non accetteremo responsabilità, a titolo non esaustivo, per: - a) responsabilità per lesioni personali, morte, incidente, proprietà smarrite, rubate o danneggiate, perdita di godimento mentale o fisico, ritardo o disagio. - b) Eventuali ritardi o modifiche negli orari o negli itinerari indipendenti dalla nostra volontà. - c) crisi monetaria, problemi di lavoro, cambiamenti economici, cambiamenti climatici, leggi locali, condizioni nuove o impreviste.
Waiver of Liability. The Company, according to the Italian law, is not required to provide and does not provide any insurance coverage for theft of personal items or for any damage caused by third parties within the structure and housing units. The Customer expressly exempts the structure and the Owner from any responsibility for direct or indirect damages that may derive from his own negligence or willful act, of other guests or third parties, for damage to things or people and for the possible interruption of services . It is also excluded any responsibility of the structure for loss of personal items within the structure itself. We shall not accept responsibility for losses to the guests for any claims, including but not limited to: - a) responsibility for personal body injury, death, accident, lost, stolen or damaged property, loss of mental or physical enjoyment, delay or inconvenience. - b) Any delays or changes in schedule or itineraries incurred by any person arising out of any willful or negligent act or omission. - c) monetary crisis, labor problems, economic changes, mechanical maintenance or construction difficulties or noise, climatic aberrations, local laws, novel or unexpected conditions.

vii. MINORI. Il minore accompagnato da almeno un genitore ha diritto a soggiornare in albergo. Il minore non accompagnato né dai genitori né da un adulto maggiorenne non può esse(hidden)pitato in albergo anche se munito di documento di riconoscimento.
Minors. Children under 18 must have proper adult supervision at all times.

viii. ANIMALI: Non sono ammessi animali nell’unità.
Pets. Pets are NOT permitted.

ix. UTILITIES: Preghiamo gli ospiti di spengere tutti gli elettrodomestici e le luci quando non necessario e quando non sono presenti nell’unità. Utilities.
Please turn off all electrical appliances and lights when not in use and whenever you leave the apartment.

x. NORME DI COMPORTAMENTO: Tra le 14 e le 16 e tra le 22 e le 8 è obbligatorio rispettare il silenzio. In ogni caso è necessario mantenere un comportamento tale da garantire la tranquillità degli altri ospiti: la struttura è autorizzata ad allontanare gli ospiti che non rispettino la presente norma. Il cliente si impegna inoltre a portare via l’immondizia prima del check-out.
Behavior. Quiet Hours are 10 PM to 8 AM: Please keep all noise levels to a minimum during this time. Occupancy and use of premises and common areas shall not be such as to disturb or offend residents. Please take away the garbage before check-out.

xi. FUMO: E' vietato fumare negli appartamenti. E’ fatto assoluto divieto accendere candele. In caso di violazione della presente norma, sarà addebitato l'importo di € 250,00, ferma restando l'esclusiva ed integrale responsabilità degli ospiti per eventuali danni causati alla struttura.
Smoking. Smoking is not allowed inside of the apartments. No candles or fires of any kind are allowed within the apartment. In case of violation of the rule, the amount of € 250.00 will be charged.

xii. WI-FI: Il Cliente è responsabile in caso di smarrimento del sistema di ricezione del wi-fi (modem, saponetta, cubo). In tal caso, sarà addebitato l'importo di € 250,00
Wi-fi. The Customer is responsible in case of loss of the Wi-Fi reception system (modem, cube). In case of violation of the rule, the amount of € 250.00 will be charged.


  • Air conditioningAir conditioning
  • Washing MachineWashing Machine


  • Pets not allowedPets not allowed
  • Smoking not allowedSmoking not allowed
  • Events not allowedEvents not allowed
  • Not suitable for families with childrenNot suitable for families with children
  • Children not allowedChildren not allowed
  • Infants not allowedInfants not allowed

Cancellation Policy

Strict (30-days)

You can cancel the reservation for free within 30 days before moving.

Backup accommodation

Frequently asked questions for this offer

What happens after I make a reservation?

Once you send a reservation request, the landlord is notified that you are interested in their offer. From that moment, they have 24 hours to approve or reject your reservation.
Landlords are mainly interested in the profile of their tenant. Do not forget to fill in all necessary information, add your profile picture, or even make a short video about yourself. Doing that will make you more attractive for the owner and your reservation will more likely get approved.

What is the standard furnishing of flats?

All the apartments on offer on HousingAnywhere must meet certain standards. We require fully furnished and equipped ones, dishes, cutlery and internet connection included.

What is a medium-term rent?

The duration of a medium-term rent is usually 1 to 12 months. Most of the landlords offer long-term rents or rents for just a few days, therefore getting a medium-term rent without HousingAnywhere is not that easy.

Can I go through the contract before I make a reservation of the housing?

You can take a look at the contract in advance and online with every offer. After you sign it, you will find it in the application My Housing.
While arranging a contract on HousingAnywhere, you do not have to worry that it could be disadvantageous for you. Our contracts are made so that we avoid all problems! All of them are the same, used by all the landlords on HousingAnywhere.

Can I see my chosen accommodation in person before I sign the lease agreement?

Your time is precious. That's why we've added a virtual tour option to our platform so you can see some of the rentals listed on HousingAnywhere from the comfort of your own home.
If a virtual tour isn't available for the accommodation you've chosen, you can contact the landlord and ask them if they're willing to give you a personal tour of the rental unit.
If you move in and find that the rented accommodation doesn't match the information on HousingAnywhere at the time the reservation request was sent to the landlord, you can withdraw from the lease agreement under certain circumstances explained in this article in our help center.
Also, under our "secure move-in" policy, we'll assist you with moving to an alternative accommodation if you report within a certain period of time that the rental unit doesn't match the ad and the landlord doesn't fix the problem immediately. You can read the details in our help center.

How can I pay?

On HousingAnywhere, you have a variety of payment methods to choose from. You can use your card, payment gateway or bank transfer. Just pick the one which suits you the most.

How can I cancel my reservation?

How you can cancel a reservation varies depending on what stage the reservation is in.
Is your reservation request still waiting for landlord approval? Then you can simply cancel it directly from your My Housing web app!
However, suppose the owner has already approved your reservation request, and you are no longer interested in it. In that case, you can still cancel the reservation before you sign the lease agreement. Just consider that you should do this only in essential cases. Because when the landlord accepts your reservation, their property is stopped being advertised, and they can lose the chance to rent their property to someone else.
Do you have an approved reservation and also a valid agreement? In order to cancel your reservation, contact HousingAnywhere customer support well in advance of your contract beginning (the specific time and amount of refund depends on the type of cancelation policy).